2009 BHCC Sweepstakes
BHCC Sweepstakes Results
Saturday June 5, 2009
Judge: Rev Patrick Kennedy
009 Howlhavens Captain Cook
Breeder/Owners by Bayowulf’s Bronte of Bow-Ridge ex Howlhaven Coffee K of Bow-Ridge
Owners C&R Bedell and Lou Roxanna Bowman
028 CH Hullabaloo’s Silver Cloud
Breeder/Owner by CH HullaballoO’s Stock Car ex Classic Memories Della Luna Caprese
Owner: Debra Hull
012 CH Soundtrack Locomotion
Breeder/Owner by CH Soundtrack Roll Me Away CD ex CH CH Soundtrack Rainbow Connection
Owner: Miriam Dalfen
008 CH Howlhavens Pageant Player CGN
Breeder/Owner by CH Bow-Ridges Varley ex CH Bow-Ridges Stepney
Owners: Bob and Carol Bedell
I thank the members of the Basset Hound Club of Canada for the honour of judging the Puppy Sweeps and Veterans classes at this year's National Specialty in Caledonia, ON.
My particular thanks to the breed judge Bob Rowbotham and his wife Margot for their kindness to me and to Robin Nutbeem, a native Newfoundlander, for stewarding so efficiently.
There are always trade offs when we breed or show and our breed is a challenging one to "get right" and "keep right". As breeders we aim for the "whole package" mindful that we still have a way to go. It's a great breed to keep you humble!
I never met a basset I didn't like and that was certainly true at the Specialty. So while I liked all, I had to choose only some.
My puppy Sweeps winner had a lovely headpiece, good pigment, dark eye, fine ear set, sufficient length of neck and smooth shoulders leading to a level topline and balanced rear. His feet were tight and reach and drive moved him smoothly around the ring. The owner should have fun with him.
The Best of Opposite in puppy sweeps was well presented, moved in true fashion, had well laid back shoulders and good sternum showing. Her pigment was dark, eye set very proper, fine headpiece and topline held on the move.
The Veteran's winner was a bitch of good substance. She presented to a marked degree the qualities of head, body, feet and movement which make this breed so appealing in type and style.
The Veterans' Opposite winner must have been a stunner when in his prime. A substantial dog, great presence and dignity possessing so many of the "parts" that go to make up an impressive "whole" in our breed.
As breeders we are all judges. When we select the sire for our litter, when we evaluate our puppies, when we compromise with the front that's improved but still not quite "there", when we see a rear that's better than the last breeding, with a topline which needs more work, with hocks which could be more furnished and so on.
As Rome wasn't built in a day so our breeding program continues to need work.
National and other specialties are great times to compare and to pay more attention to the things we need to fine tune.
I saw much I liked and admired and I congratulate the breeders and exhibitors on the puppies and veterans presented to me.
I am most grateful to the Club for their hospitality and the fine dinner on Grand River as well as the excellent accomodation at the Lalor Estate Inn. I was truly spoiled.
Thank you all!
Pat Kennedy