All persons with an interest in the Basset Hound shall be eligible
for membership, except
to pet shops or other pet retail outlets
Anyone interested in joining the Basset Hound Club of Canada,
should fill out the membership application below and please remit to:
Debra HullÂ
All applications will be forwarded to the BHCC Executive and
under the terms of the BHCC, all members must be approved
by a unanimous vote of the Executive and by a majority
of the members at a General Meeting.

Click here to download the membership form
Membership renewals:
$35.00 Single
$40.00 Family
Lifetime members
$17.50 Single
$20.00 Family
** Reminder . . . Membership renewals due January 1st**
This includes the cost of printing and mailing one of our four quarterly All Ears
Magazine and receiving three others via email.
New members pay a $5.00 initiation fee for the club logo pin.
Magazine and receiving three others via email.
New members pay a $5.00 initiation fee for the club logo pin.